von phitrafonts2 | Aug 28, 2022
Noordwijk aan Zee BUY LICENSE 15 USD This project is meant to be a tribute to one of my most favourite places on earth. It’s a place where I can truly calm myself down and feel at home. It’s a place that accompanied me my whole life and has given me so much joy....
von phitrafonts2 | Apr 3, 2022
Urzeit Font COMMERCIAL LICENSE “URZEIT” is german for “primeval”. So for this font we travelled back in time and found a very antiquated and rustic version of our original font “Mind the Caps”, which we released some time ago.Of course we had to recover this special...
von phitrafonts2 | Mrz 4, 2022
Altona Sans COMMERCIAL LICENSE There are just a few places on the world where I truly feel at home. And one of them is the beautiful German borough “Altona” located in my favorite city “Hamburg”. I’ve been working on this font project for almost five years now and I...
von phitrafonts2 | Feb 16, 2022
Mind the Caps BUY FULL VERSION LONDON, BABY! After missing London so much in these disconnected times I’ve decided to pay tribute to the famous “Mind the Gap” Sign and Londons urban underground atmosphere, but this time it’s all about CAPS. So...
von phitrafonts2 | Mrz 7, 2024